2025 6th International Conference on Advanced Material and Clean Energy (ICAMCE 2025)



2024 5th International Conference on New Materials and Clean Energy (ICAMCE 2024) has come to an end!


To further strengthen international exchanges and cooperation and promote interdisciplinary integration, on February 24, 2024, 2024 5th International Academic Conference on New Materials and Clean Energy (ICAMCE 2024) was successfully held in Eastin Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and the conference was successfully held in the form of online + offline combination.







ICAMCE 2024  Keynote Speech

The conference invited Prof. Xinyong Li from Dalian University of Technology, Prof. Saidur Rahman from Sunway University, A.Prof. Ching Yern Chee from University of Malaya and A.Prof. CHING KUAN YONG from University of Reading Malaysia, Let them respectively on the "Clean Energy Technology", "Biomass Energy" and "Chemical New Materials" and other latest research fields to make wonderful reports and discussions. The participating experts exchanged the latest research results and advanced experience in the development of the industry, and shared their unique insights on the development trend and research and development direction of the industry, and shared their unique insights on the development trend and research and development direction of the industry.



Saidur Rahman 教授,双威大学

Professor Saidur Rahman, Sunway University




Speech Title: Advance nanomaterials (MXene) in improving energy storage and thermal performance




Ching Yern Chee 副教授,马来亚大学

Associate Professor Ching Yern Chee, University of Malaya



演讲题目: 1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑氯对聚乳酸复合膜中纤维素和角蛋白增强的影响

Speech Title: Effect of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Chloride on Cellulose and Keratin as Reinforcements in Poly(lactic Acid) Composite Films



CHING KUAN YONG 副教授,马来西亚雷丁大学

Associate Professor CHING KUAN YONG, University of Reading Malaysia




Speech Title: Dielectric properties of thermally aged polypropylene nanocomposites




李新勇 教授,大连理工大学

Professor Xinyong Li, Dalian University of Technology




Speech Title: Rational Design of Carbon and Spinels Derived-functional Nano-composites toward Green Catalysis Utilizations




ICAMCE 2024 Oral Presentation

Scholars from Tsinghua University, Chongqing University, Xi 'an Jiaotong University, Fengjia University, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Alxa League Changqing Ecological Garden Engineering Co., Ltd. and many other domestic and foreign research institutes participated in the conference. During the conference, experts and scholars actively interact in oral reports, free exchanges and other links to discuss the latest research results in this field.




汇报者姓名:贺代文-Daiwen He

单位:内蒙古科技大学- Inner Mongolia University of Science and Techonology, China

Optimisation of integrated energy systems with source-load bilayer optimisation




汇报者姓名:邬映杰- Yingjie Wu

单位:重庆大学-Chongqing University


Eco-Friendly and Scalable Preparation of High-Efficiency Passive Daytime Radiative Cooling Film Based On Dual-Layer Strategy


汇报者姓名:姜观宇-Guanyu Jiang

单位:西安交通大学-Xi'an Jiaotong University


Corrosion protection and failure mechanism of ZrO2coating under varied LiOH concentrations in high-temperature lithiated water



汇报者姓名:戴傲儒-AU ZOU TAI

单位:逢甲大學-Feng Chia University


Numerical Analysis Research on Ion Generators with Different Configurations Combined with Portable Power Sources

Eco-Friendly and Scalable Preparation of High-Efficiency Passive Daytime Radiative Cooling Film Based On Dual-Layer Strategy



Conference Ending

The successful holding of the ICAMCE 2024 International Academic Conference provides a platform for experts, scholars, professors, scientists, entrepreneurs and other relevant personnel engaged in the research, development and industrialization of new energy technologies and new materials to exchange and share the latest research results, so as to achieve the purpose of mutual promotion and common improvement. At the same time, it also lays a deeper foundation for cooperation and exchanges in relevant fields at home and abroad! Once again, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the experts and scholars for your enthusiastic participation. Let's look forward to meeting you again at ICAMCE in the future.
